2017 resolutions

   I don’t know about you all but I suck at keeping resolutions! Like really, really suck! I’m talking about like I’ll keep it for a few days and forget about it! Haha! But this year I am dead set on them, 2016 was a poo year for me! 


  1. Be healthy: I’m sure this is on the top of everybody’s list. But this time I’m about making a lifestyle change, which is hard to do being a baker! My plan is to eat more fruits and vegetables, as well as more grains! I also want to incorporate Herbalife into my diet. I have used their products and completely stand by the name! I just get lazy and let “the plan” fall through. 
  2. Perfect recipes: Eventually I want to open my own bakery, I have hundreds of recipes that need to be perfected to see if they will make the cut for my bakery. 
  3. Travel: I love to travel but this year I want to revisit places I haven’t been in a while first on my list will be Pasadena,CA. I know we just moved about 9 months ago from there but it’s such a beautiful place I cannot wait to go back! Second is a tie between Nyc and Philly. I’ve been to both places before but it’s been way too long! 
  4. Debt: This year I really hope to pay off old debt. I want to focus on finances and create a “plan” that works for me! This also goes without saying but I would love to build my credit whilst paying off debt! 
  5. Blog/YouTube: I’ve been saying it for years now but I would love to create content on YouTube (I just need the guts to do it)! But I also want to focus on this blog! I do love it, sometimes life just gets in the way and too much time passes between posts. 
  6. Be truly happy: I want to find ME this year. Which I don’t think is totally possible because I think we will forever be a work in progress but I can’t wait to find more things out about myself! Also, I want to stop complaining about things. Now I’m not saying I’m a giant complainer but I want to be more go with the flow and to accept things for what they are! 

Well that’s it for me, at least for now! I intend to keep you all updated with my resolutions and maybe do a monthly update to keep myself accountable! Let me know what your resolutions are and how you intend to keep them.

Until next time! 



Published by Pasadena Mama

A 30 something Florida girl, who was living in California but now back in Florida still dreaming of New York City and now California, desserts and of course bagels.

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